Above is a video of all four stages shot at the match. 17 Jul 21
Another Saturday out at the range. I have been very impressed with the organisation of the club matches being held at the City of Brisbane Pistol Club and that the Level 1 matches are open to shooters from other clubs in the area. Every Saturday COBPC hosts a level one match and every month or two they hold a bigger match consisting of six stages. The regular 4 stage match is capped at 40 and the 6 stage event is capped at 60. Both these matches have currently been booking out fast.
During this match I was able to shoot 124 Alphas and 22 Charlies, which I am very proud of. I have been concentrating on my accuracy and not shooting anything out side of the charlie zone. Timing in this match let me down a bit though, on the swinger stages I was not able to time it right and that wasted a bit of time on those stages. I also did have a few back ups on steel during the match which also added to my overall time.
My take aways from the match and areas I identified for training were;
- speed of movement in between shooting positions again
- hitting steel poppers the first time
I will use these identified areas to develop the drills that I will be focusing on in my next training session at the range.